Narrative is the way that the media text prestents the story/plot through the sequence of actions that happens in it. The example of narrative is "Once upon a time" which describes the opening of the plot. We allready know that the story is set in the past, because of the words "upon a time", while "Once" suggest that it may be some fictional world, not similar to our.
The narative is very important because it gives the idea of what is happening in the film. It gives simple clues that suggest that film may be specific genre or that some sort of action will happen.
There are three narrative theories. Todorov's Theorem about Equilibrium, Vladimir Propp's Theory about Characters and Binary Opposition.
The Equlibrium Theory breaks the plot the film/story into three:
Equilibrium - Things that happens in everyday life,
Diseuilibrium - Something happens that breaks everyday life,
New State of Equilibrium - The disequilibrium is repaired,